Wednesday, September 29, 2010


The climax did not meet my expectations. I expected more out of the climax and expected there to be more too it. In basically a chapter, Rick killed off the androids and then it was over. It other books and stories, I have read the entire book has lead up to the climax. This book does but at the same time the climax ended so quickly. He simply just killed them. There didn't seem to be a huge fight or anything to exciting. When we first began to read, I expected Rick to kill the andys. And thats exactly what happened, there was no twist to the story. Rick ended up falling for Rachel and Rachel told him that was her job. And now he would not be able to kill off the other androids. Although, right after Rick goes and kills the andys. It wasn't a surprise to me that he was going to able to kill them. When i first began reading, I expected that Rick would be able to bounty all the androids which he did. Although the climax is over, I am interested in whats going to happen now with Rachel and Rick. What will Rick do when he finds Rachel since she killed his goat. My overall thoughts of the book could be considered good. I think the book had a good plot behind it but could of executed it in a more exciting and interesting way.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Interesting Scene

In Androids Dream there were many interesting parts that caught my eye. The most interesting scene to me was at the end of chapter 16. In this chapter, Rachel comes into town and joins Rick at a near by hotel. Rachel and Rick end up sleeping together at the end of the chapter. Rick wanted Rachel to come down and help him hunt the other androids but instead they stayed in together. I found this part to be most interesting due to the fact that Rachel is an android. Although she is considered to be a legal andy and she helps Rick multiple times, she still isn't human. I also found in interesting that Rick slept with Rachel even though he has a wife back at home. Therefore, this chapter changes the way i feel about Rick because he has committed adultery with a android.

What i find confusing at the end of chapter 16 is why Rick decided to sleep with Rachel. He was completely focused on his job that day after killing 3 andys in one day and he had the opportunity to capture the rest of them. Instead he stayed in the hotel with Rachel and now he possibly could lose the rest of the bounties and his money. He must not care too much about the sheep he wanted to buy for him and his wife.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Chapter 11

In chapter 11 of Allyn and Bacon titled Writing as a problem-solving process, I learned multiple new things about the writing process. First, to become an expert writer, you need to use multiple drafts. These multiple drafts allow you to concentrate on fixing one type of error at a time instead of trying to fix every mistake at once. It also allows the writer to clarify their purpose. It allows the author, to read the paper many times and making sure they stay focused on the topic at hand. Although the section on writing multiple drafts helped me, I found most interest in skill number three, titled ten expert habits. These different habits allow the writer to go from average to excellent in just a few simple steps. Habit number three was a key point to me. Scheduling your time is always a issue. Writers need to create a schedule instead of waiting till the last minute to cram everything together. By scheduling your time, it allows you to write multiple drafts and correct all mistakes. Also habit number five, was interesting to me. Habit number five was reducing expectations of early drafts. Many people today try to make their first draft perfect when it is nearly impossible. The first draft is considered a rough draft for a reason. It allows you to make multiple mistakes and correct them at a later time. Also from the ten habits, I learned to always correct on a double spaced copy to give yourself more room for critic. Also when correcting, give your paper to another classmate or someone outside that can review your paper. Let them read it and point out mistakes they see, while also making sure they completely understand the paper and don't get lost on certain details. This chapter really influenced me to take more time on writing papers and making sure I correct all my mistakes.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

In the 3 chapters that we were suppose to read for homework, I found different things confusing but yet interesting at the same time. In Chapter 3, different animals get brought up in the story. I immediately became confused about why the different animals were being brought up. I know that the people still living on earth have a deep connection with animals but how and why the ostrich got brought up confused me. The ostrich was extremely expensive but it was still lower in price than it normally should be. In the Sidney's book, it explains how much each animal should be priced at. After Rick Deckard looked the price of the ostrich in the Sidney's book, he gave the pet store a different name and address than his own. Why? I'm not sure. But soon after he called the false-animal shop and asked how much an electric ostrich would cost. They estimated around eight hundred dollars. After talking to the false-animal shop he hung up and felt depressed. I'm confused on why, Rick called the pet store and asked about the ostrich but then used a false name and address when the salesperson asked for it.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Chapter 1-3 What I learned

While i was reading through chapters 1-3 in The Allyn & Bacon Guide to Writing, I learned many new and interesting things. First, I learned about closed form writing. Closed form writing has an explicit thesis in the introduction paragraph. It is extremely cohesive and has unified paragraphs with topic sentences in each. There are always clear transitions between sentences and parts with no digressions. I also learned about open-ended writing which was Concept 2 in out literary text. Open ended questions focus on the unknowns and invite multiple points of view or alternative hypotheses and stimulate thinking and research. This concept allows multiple people to get in on discussions and form their own opinions on the matter. One of the most interesting things i read about were questions are always good! They can be problematic for audience, significant, and interesting to the writer. These are the three main qualities to having a good open-ended question. One of the most interesting things that caught my eye was wallowing in complexity. This section taught me the best ways to think about your subject matter. First always pose problematic question and analyze the problem in all ways. Then to find and gather important facts and find an alternate solution to the problem. And last, to analyze competing answers. In Chapter 2, we also learned of new ways to brainstorm and think of new ideas. Free writing (non-stop or silent) writing is where you write for a certain amount of time without stopping. You shouldn't worry about grammar or punctuation as I'm doing now in this blog. Write for a certain amount of time and then go back and correct your mistakes. This type of writing does not best suit me. I am more into brainstorming and using idea maps or webs. This technique gives me specific examples to start with and to brainstorm with. It allows me to see multiple ideas and branch certain thoughts together to develop paragraphs and turn the paragraphs into a paper.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Writing the blog

In English 151, we will be studying the Future through Fiction and Film. Throughout this class, we will study the Apocalypse. This is completely new for most students and throughout high school, we as students did not learn this material. In high school, we would do basic writing skills and read the basic books. In this course, we will be exposed to something new and creative. Hopefully the Apocalypse will be as interesting as it sounds.