Monday, November 15, 2010
Last Blog
Overall, i really enjoyed this class. It has taught me a lot about writing while also teaching me about myself. Some of the papers we had to write pushed my limits and I really do believe I have improved as a writer. I've improved my writing by developing ideas instead of simply just writing what comes to mind. I learned that you must think through what you write instead of just writing what pops into your head first. I have learned that free writing really seems to work for me. By just writing what comes to my mind in the matter of 10 or so minutes it's unbelievable what actually comes to mind which usually leads to my paper. My favorite paper was by far the argument paper. For some reason I really got attached to my topic and enjoyed reading and researching about it. Researching is what I'm good at, and this paper is proving that. My dislikes about the class was basically everything about Do Androids Dream and Blade Runner. It's not that i hated either one of them, I just felt as if I didn't connect with them as other people in class did. Unfortunately, it showed in my analysis paper. In the end, I believe this class really improved my writing skills and taught me a lot. It made me actually work, which was nothing like high school. So with that, I believe this class was extremely enjoyable and pushed my limits.
Monday, November 8, 2010
The Social Network
A few weekends ago, I went to my hometown and watched The Social Network. I must say, this movie was one of my favorite movies I've seen all year. The movie begins with Mark Zuckerberg, a student at Harvard University who can be cinsidered a genius in my eyes. He is a very smart and successful computer nerd who is always working on computers. He and his group of friends set up different websites that allow students at Harvard to veiw them for a short period of time before they shut down the site. They set up a site, the rates girls on campus. It compares the girls beauty to other girls. The website gains so much attention in so little time that it actually crashed the Harvard network. The school catches him and he is put on academic probation, the worse part is now that every female on campus knows what he did and can't stand him! Although, after Mark created this website, he caught the attention of the Winklevoss twins. They wanted to create a website that allowed all Harvard students to connect with eachother. They hired Mark to put the website together. Later, Mark pretty much steals the idea from the twins and comes up with his own site caleld The Facebook. He got into business with his bestfriend at the time and made it a huge success at Harvard. They slowly began to expand the website throughout other college universitys until it became huge as is it today. The twins try everything they can to get credit for the site and to get Mark in trouble but they can't do it. They eventually hire an attorny and take him to court. This is all occuring while Mark and his bestfriend meet with the creator of Napster (Justin Timberlake). Eventually Mark and his bestfriend who share the company break apart and the Napster creator basically takes the bestfriends place in the company.Then soon after Mark's bestfriend also sues Mark for the rights of the creation of Facebook. Mark is then going through 2 lawsuits at the same time. He ends up settling with both of the parties involved in the lawsuit. Although he settled for a huge amount, facebook is a huge success where Mark made millions of dollars. In the final credits, it states that Mark is the youngest billionare in the world.
This movie was a fantastic movie. Everything about it, I loved. This movie had to be such a success because now a days almsot every college student has a facebook. It's simply a new way of life. The first thing many people do when they get up in the morning is check their facebooks. It's a faster way to understand everything that is going on. This movie opened my eyes to new things though. No matter what situation you are in, you most learn who you are working with. Mark simply stole the idea from the Winklevoss twins and became a billionare. Although he had to go through court and pay them, he still is a BILLIONARE! If I were the Winklevoss twins, I would be extremely upset at myself for trusting Mark with my idea. If they would of simply created the website themselves, they would now be the rich ones. Also it teaches what people will do to succeed in life. People will break friendships, such as Mark did with his bestfriend Eduardo. Mark was a businessman, who wanted his company to succeed and I understand that. But to treat your friends like that and loss friends over a job is different for me. Maybe because I haven't had a career yet, but i don't believe I could break so many relationships and tell so many lies to my friends, just for a job. Who knows though, everyones future changes at different times and people will do many things to get money. In the end, I believe this movie was a good lesson to learn for many.
This movie was a fantastic movie. Everything about it, I loved. This movie had to be such a success because now a days almsot every college student has a facebook. It's simply a new way of life. The first thing many people do when they get up in the morning is check their facebooks. It's a faster way to understand everything that is going on. This movie opened my eyes to new things though. No matter what situation you are in, you most learn who you are working with. Mark simply stole the idea from the Winklevoss twins and became a billionare. Although he had to go through court and pay them, he still is a BILLIONARE! If I were the Winklevoss twins, I would be extremely upset at myself for trusting Mark with my idea. If they would of simply created the website themselves, they would now be the rich ones. Also it teaches what people will do to succeed in life. People will break friendships, such as Mark did with his bestfriend Eduardo. Mark was a businessman, who wanted his company to succeed and I understand that. But to treat your friends like that and loss friends over a job is different for me. Maybe because I haven't had a career yet, but i don't believe I could break so many relationships and tell so many lies to my friends, just for a job. Who knows though, everyones future changes at different times and people will do many things to get money. In the end, I believe this movie was a good lesson to learn for many.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Horror Movie
Over the weekend, I watched the Skeleton Key. This movie stars Kate Hudson. The Skeleton Key begins with Kate Hudson, who is a nurse, going to this home in the middle of nowhere. She is going to this home to watch over an elderly man who is on hospice. The nurse is assigned to watch over him and do anything she can to make him feel comfortable. The elderly man can not speak therefore can not communicate with the nurse to tell her what is going on. The elderly man's wife is also living in the house but can not take care of him on her own. The nurse begins wondering around the huge house and she has a skeleton key. The skeleton key opens up every room in the house. Due to the fact that the house was old, each room had it's own separate key. The nurse begins to realize something is wrong and believes the house is haunted. The movie continues with different scenes trying to scare the audience. Then the nurse realizes after the elderly man tries escaping multiple times that the wife is the bad guy. A flashback occurs and it shows a black man and woman, who were slaves in this house, being hung after the possessed the white children. Although when they were hung it was actually the white children's spirits. The slaves have been changing there spirits throughout different peoples bodies this entire movie. So the wife was trying to transfer her spirit into the younger nurse so she could stay with her husband who was in a younger lawyers body.

My Future
If there was an apocalypse the future would change. In my head, the apocalypse would cause many changes. First, there would of course be zombies. These zombies would have the ability to do everything humans could do but at a much faster pace. They would also be able to do certain things humans could not do. Such as some of the clips we watched on Friday in class. Such as Cherry with the automatic gun as a leg or the guy with a chainsaw arm. These zombies would be the villains and the humans would have to figure a way to fight them off. The humans will have to work together to build a new robot that could take on these huge zombies because it is impossible for humans to destroy it. The zombie will simply kill a human if they got in there way. In certain apocalyptic films there is a character that could kill the zombies. But in my world, the humans will have to work together to fight off these zombies.
Compared to Philip K. Dick, my world is kind of similar. The androids in this book much be fought off by a human, Deckard. It is the same in my story. The humans must work together to kill off all the zombies. If they don't work together the zombies will simply take over the universe and the humans will quickly die off. It is up to the humans, to create something that can outsmart the zombies and kill them all off before they kill all of the humans. A difference between Dick's and my story is that Deckard is the only person brave enough to take on the androids and is successful. In my story, multiple humans must come together and create something that can take down the zombies.
Blade Runner: Dialogue, Lighting, and Costumes
In this scene where Deckard and Rachael first meet, the dialogue is very simple yet straightforward. The words they speak to each other are straightforward remarks. One will ask a simple question and the other will come back with a simple answer. Very quick and fast moving but at the same time easy to understand without getting confused. The lighting is very dark. The lighting is set this way to create the mood that they are still living in an apocalyptic world even when they are inside the Tyrell Company. It sets the mood of the scene. The costumes were also quite simple. Rachael in a simple black dress with her hair pinned back while Deckard was in a long trench coat. I believe that by combining all these simple elements such as dialogue, lighting, and costumes it brings the scene to life. Not allowing the audience to focus on one things at a time. It allows the audience to focus on the whole overall picture instead of one small detail. These elements relate to the rest of the movie in the same way. The lighting is always dark. There is never a part of the movie that i can remember that is bright and lively. The costumes also remain the same throughout the film. They are simple, yet interesting. The clothes attract the audience but don't allow the audience to get stuck to them. In certain films, the outfits are insane and the audience gets caught off guard and get distracted with the clothes and don't focus on the plot. This movie, doesn't allow the audience to do so. The dialogue throughout also remains the same. It is simple yet catches the audiences attention by the way they communicate with each other.
Tears in the Rain
There are many different effects from this scene. The music was very soft, almost emotionless. It made the audience connect with the words that Roy was speaking over the music. It was as if the music was just another thing added in to give a little extra to the scene itself. The dialogue spoken by Roy was all emotional. It was very heartfelt and deep. It was proving that the androids do have emotions and so does Deckard. Roy's speech when he was dying connected with the audience at a whole different level than did the other androids throughout the film. The other androids seemed emotionless and if they didn't have emotions. At this point in the movie, it changes your thoughts completely about the androids and that they do actually have feelings. Roy's heartfelt emotions changed the whole movie by this one simple speech. The effect of Roy's speech hit Deckard hard. I believe Deckard was crying while Roy was giving his speech. I believe Deckard was crying because at that point he believed that he was doing the wrong this. He had hunted and killed multiple androids that all have emotions. He felt as if he had been killing people when he shouldn't have been. He also started crying due to the fact that he was in love with Rachael. He knew that he didn't have much longer with her and wanted to spend as much time as possible with her.
Deckard's life now
Deckard's life changing completely now. After killing off all the androids and after Tyrell is killed, Rick's life is going to change. Rick goes back and runs away with Rachael. Rachael and Deckard leave together and move far away. Their lives have changed now due to the fact that Rachael is still a Nexus-6 and she is still wanted. Rick now is devoting his entire life to Rachael. He does everything for her and will protect her at any cost. Soon after they run away together, multiple bounty hunters begin looking for Rachael. Rick continues his bounty hunt but simply on the humans now that are looking for Rachael. If any bounty hunter gets close to Rachael he fights them off and kills them. So Deckard is now wanted too, for murder. They continue to run around the country in hopes they will find somewhere to hide where nobody will find them. The same thing continues over and over and Deckard continues killing multiple bounty hunters. Then after running for so long, it is time for Rachael to die. Her four year life span is up and she can't go on living any longer because there is no way to prevent her from dying. Rachael ends up dying while Deckard is still fighting off bounty hunters. When Deckard finds Rachael dead, he then kills himself to "be with her" wherever that may be.
So far, I have not done a lot of my research. I still need to do a lot to add to my research by Wednesday. My research question is how can we subsidize cars? So far i have found bits and pieces of information about my topic. So far, the best way to subsidize cars in my opinion is to use electronic cars. These electronic cars may cost more to the average person to begin with but will save a lot of money in the long run if they actually work. By using cars that need gas, it is destroying the environment while also costing a fortune to the average person to pay for gas each week. The best solution so far seems to be create a car that will last forever. Using electric power instead of gasoline will save the environment while also saving people money in the future. This solution seems best due to the fact that if all people get electronic cars, it will save millions of dollars.

My Future
If there was an apocalypse the future would change. In my head, the apocalypse would cause many changes. First, there would of course be zombies. These zombies would have the ability to do everything humans could do but at a much faster pace. They would also be able to do certain things humans could not do. Such as some of the clips we watched on Friday in class. Such as Cherry with the automatic gun as a leg or the guy with a chainsaw arm. These zombies would be the villains and the humans would have to figure a way to fight them off. The humans will have to work together to build a new robot that could take on these huge zombies because it is impossible for humans to destroy it. The zombie will simply kill a human if they got in there way. In certain apocalyptic films there is a character that could kill the zombies. But in my world, the humans will have to work together to fight off these zombies.
Compared to Philip K. Dick, my world is kind of similar. The androids in this book much be fought off by a human, Deckard. It is the same in my story. The humans must work together to kill off all the zombies. If they don't work together the zombies will simply take over the universe and the humans will quickly die off. It is up to the humans, to create something that can outsmart the zombies and kill them all off before they kill all of the humans. A difference between Dick's and my story is that Deckard is the only person brave enough to take on the androids and is successful. In my story, multiple humans must come together and create something that can take down the zombies.
Blade Runner: Dialogue, Lighting, and Costumes
In this scene where Deckard and Rachael first meet, the dialogue is very simple yet straightforward. The words they speak to each other are straightforward remarks. One will ask a simple question and the other will come back with a simple answer. Very quick and fast moving but at the same time easy to understand without getting confused. The lighting is very dark. The lighting is set this way to create the mood that they are still living in an apocalyptic world even when they are inside the Tyrell Company. It sets the mood of the scene. The costumes were also quite simple. Rachael in a simple black dress with her hair pinned back while Deckard was in a long trench coat. I believe that by combining all these simple elements such as dialogue, lighting, and costumes it brings the scene to life. Not allowing the audience to focus on one things at a time. It allows the audience to focus on the whole overall picture instead of one small detail. These elements relate to the rest of the movie in the same way. The lighting is always dark. There is never a part of the movie that i can remember that is bright and lively. The costumes also remain the same throughout the film. They are simple, yet interesting. The clothes attract the audience but don't allow the audience to get stuck to them. In certain films, the outfits are insane and the audience gets caught off guard and get distracted with the clothes and don't focus on the plot. This movie, doesn't allow the audience to do so. The dialogue throughout also remains the same. It is simple yet catches the audiences attention by the way they communicate with each other.
Tears in the Rain
There are many different effects from this scene. The music was very soft, almost emotionless. It made the audience connect with the words that Roy was speaking over the music. It was as if the music was just another thing added in to give a little extra to the scene itself. The dialogue spoken by Roy was all emotional. It was very heartfelt and deep. It was proving that the androids do have emotions and so does Deckard. Roy's speech when he was dying connected with the audience at a whole different level than did the other androids throughout the film. The other androids seemed emotionless and if they didn't have emotions. At this point in the movie, it changes your thoughts completely about the androids and that they do actually have feelings. Roy's heartfelt emotions changed the whole movie by this one simple speech. The effect of Roy's speech hit Deckard hard. I believe Deckard was crying while Roy was giving his speech. I believe Deckard was crying because at that point he believed that he was doing the wrong this. He had hunted and killed multiple androids that all have emotions. He felt as if he had been killing people when he shouldn't have been. He also started crying due to the fact that he was in love with Rachael. He knew that he didn't have much longer with her and wanted to spend as much time as possible with her.
Deckard's life now
Deckard's life changing completely now. After killing off all the androids and after Tyrell is killed, Rick's life is going to change. Rick goes back and runs away with Rachael. Rachael and Deckard leave together and move far away. Their lives have changed now due to the fact that Rachael is still a Nexus-6 and she is still wanted. Rick now is devoting his entire life to Rachael. He does everything for her and will protect her at any cost. Soon after they run away together, multiple bounty hunters begin looking for Rachael. Rick continues his bounty hunt but simply on the humans now that are looking for Rachael. If any bounty hunter gets close to Rachael he fights them off and kills them. So Deckard is now wanted too, for murder. They continue to run around the country in hopes they will find somewhere to hide where nobody will find them. The same thing continues over and over and Deckard continues killing multiple bounty hunters. Then after running for so long, it is time for Rachael to die. Her four year life span is up and she can't go on living any longer because there is no way to prevent her from dying. Rachael ends up dying while Deckard is still fighting off bounty hunters. When Deckard finds Rachael dead, he then kills himself to "be with her" wherever that may be.
So far, I have not done a lot of my research. I still need to do a lot to add to my research by Wednesday. My research question is how can we subsidize cars? So far i have found bits and pieces of information about my topic. So far, the best way to subsidize cars in my opinion is to use electronic cars. These electronic cars may cost more to the average person to begin with but will save a lot of money in the long run if they actually work. By using cars that need gas, it is destroying the environment while also costing a fortune to the average person to pay for gas each week. The best solution so far seems to be create a car that will last forever. Using electric power instead of gasoline will save the environment while also saving people money in the future. This solution seems best due to the fact that if all people get electronic cars, it will save millions of dollars.
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